Friday, 12 December 2008

Hand in day

Today was the final day of the animation module. I found that going through this module I have learnt a lot. There are a lot of new thing tools and options that I now know about max that I didn’t know before I did this module. On our last day we decide to put the animation together and add the final audios too.

I had to remake the DJ scene as the arm was distorted, so I had to import the character into a new drum n base scene and add new bones and attached them to the body by the skin modifier. Once this was done I animated the character again and then rendered it.
The entire animation was now rendered and put together in movie maker. Once that was done the audios were added from Audition.

I have enjoyed doing the module but at times have got to a point where I felt like giving up, as it can get very frustrating when something doesn’t work. For just doing what we did takes up a lot of time to do it. I first thought modelling was hard and took along time to create but now am efficient and find that I can model a lot quicker than I could before. I found that creating characters and adding bones took along time to do and when animating that the amount u animated isn’t as long as you think it is.
I remembered how to use the cloth modifier by going through a tutorial from YouTube with my group member John

I have learned the types of lighting effects you can add by adding the volume light. How I can use the camera to add angles by adding path constraints or just by moving it on it’s own and key framing it. I’ve have learnt how to put multiple materials on one object by setting it different ID’s.

Before this module I had never used these tools, modifiers and etc…
Skin modifier
Hair and fur modifier
Path constraint
Adding bones
Volume light effect
Edge and wire materials and more through the tutorials that I had done.
Multiple materials
Cloth modifier

1 comment:

viz3 said...

Not bad, man!:)