Friday, 31 October 2008

Final day

This is my final post for this module. Since the last post i had started on the ears ad i felt that the back of my face was complete, But that was not the case when i came in today and rendered the image i found that there was a lot of jagged edges at the back and knew i had to sort it out. So i stopped where i was with the ear and went to back of the head.
I found that a lot of the lines were not welded together so i had to go through each line found that there was a lot of random lines which were overlapping other lines.

As i was going through i felt that i had to delete some polygons on the way. i replaced them by created new ones by the create button or pressing shift. I found that once everything was welded together that the back of the head was a lot smoother than before.

I have realised that the copy i had handed in was an old version and not the one with the back of the neck complete. After this was done i went back to the ear where more topology lines were created and imported into 3D max and this time i used lines to create the shape of the ear, welded them together and added the turbo smooth and started to stretched the lines in and out to give a more shape of an ear, this was as far as i could go.

I had a little bit of time left and decide to added some material like the face material by looking up skin tone online and using the RGB colours from Photoshop to use on 3D max and drag it onto the face. I then added eyes balls to the face got a sphere and added a material from the Internet and used the UVW mapping to straighten the image up. I realise that when i went to burn onto the CD i had forgot to add the material too. So if you do read this JO the eye ball does have a material its not a plain sphere and the back of the neck was done but had forgotten to put the right one on. As you can see from the picture above the neck is complete.

This module has improved my knowledge on 3d Studio max. I found doing this task really had, this i because i haven't really used the software enough to create something like this easily. I found that on the way to creating the face i did have a lot of problems, but knew that if i followed the tutorials i should be ok. Due to me not using the program as much, some of the stages did take me a lot longer to do especially the nose. This took me the longest to do as i found that the lines i created were not right and had to redo them. I found that i was not able to attache the ear as i ran out of time, but am glad i gave the ear a try.
This is something that has improved my knowledge of the software. It has shown me what you can do with one object. The types of tools 3D max has to offer. I know it is something that i remember and will find helpful for the future.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Back of the head

Today i carried on with the back of my head. To do this i had to go back to Photoshop and create a topology line for the back of the face and insert the image into 3D max. To create the back of the head i was shown to use a spear and edit the spear by deleting the polygons that we did not need. By doing this i gave me the half of my head.

From this point i had to create new polygons by pressing shift with the edge selection. Carried on doing this until i had enough for the neck and back of the head. I then snap them together and started to shape up the neck so it was a straight line going down from the neck. But a shape which defined the jaws of my face making the 3d model look more like me.

Friday, 24 October 2008


I have spent so much time doing this part of the anatomy. This is because the lines i had originally done for the nose was to complex meaning i had to create new ones. There was a lot of playing around with this until i got it right.

Once i had got the nose the right shape i then had to create the nostril, this again was something that i found took me along time to do. I found that to the get nostrils to how i wanted i had to go back delete some polygons and add new ones or cut some of them down to line them up.

From creating the nose tip to the nostril i found that this took up al ot of my time and got to a point when i knew i had to move on.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Design 2 Rock room

From finishing the first room I had now got into doing the next internal room that is the rock night. This time I decided to design the room in flash. I did this so that I used multiples of software’s. Allowing me to improve my designing skills and knowledge of different programs. Below is an example of the rock night.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Design 1 Drum n base

Today I started and finished the first design of the internal room. The room I had designed was the drum n’ base night. I had created a rough design on Microsoft word. I first tried to sketch it out but found it difficult so started drawing on the computer and decided to use word.
Here is what the drum n base design looks like.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Week 3 lecture

We had a lecture on face building carrying onto the next stage finding what we have to do in 3d studio max, to mould the face to give you definitions.

Before this we were doing our YMCA project carrying on with where we left of from last week, one of us was drawing the character the other was designing the storyboard and the other two designing the set.

I was unable to have a look at other blogs as i was unsure on how to do it, i will ask one of my group members how i can view other blogs from my class, Once i know how to do this i will respond/comment on someones blog.

Visit to YMCA

Today we had our visit to the YMCA, We were told about the different types of service they offer. How they help the community and given examples of the nights they have and what they would like to be promoted to more people.

As a group we have chosen to go for the y club, this is to show that the YMCA are not just a place for rock, but they do drum n base nights aswell. To encourage more people to to turn up.

We have decide that we are going to use the letter Y as a character to promote the club.