I found that a lot of the lines were not welded together so i had to go through each line found that there was a lot of random lines which were overlapping other lines.
As i was going through i felt that i had to delete some polygons on the way. i replaced them by created new ones by the create button or pressing shift. I found that once everything was welded together that the back of the head was a lot smoother than before.
I have realised that the copy i had handed in was an old version and not the one with the back of the neck complete. After this was done i went back to the ear where more topology lines were created and imported into 3D max and this time i used lines to create the shape of the ear, welded them together and added the turbo smooth and started to stretched the lines in and out to give a more shape of an ear, this was as far as i could go.
I had a little bit of time left and decide to added some material like the face material by looking up skin tone online and using the RGB colours from Photoshop to use on 3D max and drag it onto the face. I then added eyes balls to the face got a sphere and added a material from the Internet and used the UVW mapping to straighten the image up. I realise that when i went to burn onto the CD i had forgot to add the material too. So if you do read this JO the eye ball does have a material its not a plain sphere and the back of the neck was done but had forgotten to put the right one on. As you can see from the picture above the neck is complete.

This is something that has improved my knowledge of the software. It has shown me what you can do with one object. The types of tools 3D max has to offer. I know it is something that i remember and will find helpful for the future.